Monday, September 17, 2018


Sebaris kata datang padaku
Bahwa dirimu telah hadir walau masih kaku

Kemudian luka di masa lalu
Kembali menjalar bertambah biru

Akankah kunikmati sayatan itu?
Atau kutendang saja rasa pedih yang menggerogoti sisa sisa tawaku

Aku hanya mau hidup

By balebila

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Back to the nature.
Back to the sky.
I sing a song for my future.
With no doubt and shy.

Strumming my emptines out with these fingers.
Calling your name louder than thunders.

The chords and melodies have replaced your absence.
I'm back to my guitar, back to my patience.

Singing sweet songs about you and me. 
About  fight and love,  about cry and smiley

Lord of the sky, I'm looking at you
Bring him back, my dearest guru

Singing sweet songs alone
Until you come home

By balebila

Monday, August 20, 2018


I guess it's the time for a bird to leave it's cage and fly to the horizon.
The wings will spread wider and longer flapping under the warmth of morning light.

I guess it's the time for a bird to seek for happiness.
I wave my hand down here in loneliness.

Don't hesitate to soar yourself up
Your little goodbye was pretty enough

I admit I have nothing to complete your life

The bird wants freedom
No more cage  and life of boredom

Then cut  that chain off your feet
Let yourself go and choose your own seat

Just forget how we first met.
Your future is more important, I bet

I'll try not to cry  I won't  shed a tear
I will pray I always remember you near
Though it's difficult to hide my sad look
As I read again our sweet diary book

By balebila

Sunday, August 19, 2018


This is the final curtain
I've been shot by Satan
There's no going back now
This is my final bow

Nothing more to say
I'm going far away
To another dimension
Free of hurt and tension

My lips on the poisoned chalice
My heart free of malice
I sink into dark oblivion
Can't undo what the devil's done

I'm the hapless fool
Who was Satan's tool
Rushing forth for ecstacy
But left in ashes of idiocy

Run, run, gotta run
Full speed into the sun
Let my body explode
As I reach my final abode

No hate, no regrets
No sunrise nor sunsets
Just silent darkness
And blank emptiness



As I caress these scars of mine
I hope that you're feeling fine
You shot me through my heart
But I didn't easily fall apart

When you pushed me and I fell
You thought I had gone to hell
But I somehow conquered gravity
And flew to heights of ecstasy

I let go of all the pain and hate
I surrendered to life and fate
I forgive you for all you said
How you wished to see me dead

I'm now totally at peace
I can go through life with ease
I've learnt to forgive my enemies
I've stopped my killing sprees

I was partially guilty, too
I shouldn't have neglected you
But let's leave the bad in the past
And have a truce that can last

I'm done killing myself constantly
I'm done harming myself perpetually
I'm done crying myself to sleep
I'm done watching my loved ones weep

And I'll wear these scars with joy
But don't think it's part of a sick ploy
I wanna remember from whence I came
So I don't go back to being the same


Friday, August 17, 2018


They say I'm a psychopath
Who lived to see the aftermath
Of the evil and turmoil
And the blood spilt on the soil!

They warn you to beware of me
I'm lost way too deep in insanity
I'm so bad, they quietly say
I make the devil look good, hey!

They say I'm evil personified
Nothing about me is dignified
That I dabble in the world of dark magic
And know the most fearsome trick!

They say I'm the devil himself
That has a stash of ill-gotten wealth
Some say I'm surely the walking dead
Say they've seen me without my head!

They can hurl whatever at me
I'll only smile back jovially
I'll nod my head at the accusations
I wanna see them run in all directions!

I'm no psychopath, I'm just me
Angel or devil, all are invited cordially
I just totally abhor being normal,
Always upright and so damn formal!

You only live once, gotta have some fun
Be it dancing or watching the setting sun
Go make lasting and happy memories,
Take a million different selfies!

And if haters call you this and that
Or perhaps insinuate that you're a psychopath,
Smile at them oh so lovingly;
Nothing kills them as efficiently!



I venture the streets like a homeless man
I'm the rebel without a cause or plan
I let the world pass by and stare
Because I'm dead and so don't care

For now I accept what's on my plate
Call it destiny, providence or fate
I gotta find from within, a will to fight
To find my feet n come out into the light

Every day till the last, will be a fight
Just gotta figure out the wrong from right
Knock on new doors, look ahead
Bury the past, for it's truly dead

I gotta carve out a new reality
I gotta reinvent my identity
I gotta abandon the shadows
I gotta deflect the cruel blows

I gotta make myself the no.1 priority
I gotta start loving unconditionally
I gotta start achieving my potential
I gotta ignore the nonsensical

Life's too short to stay stuck in a hole
I gotta take back all of the control
It may be hard, but I gotta break the mould
Can't go back to being the man of old


Thursday, August 16, 2018


I'm haunted by your memory
In everything I do and see
That's why I love walking in the rain
Nobody can see my tears of pain

No one knows of my heartache
Losing you made me break
There's no medicine or remedy
I will suffer for the rest of eternity

With every breath, I whisper your name
But it doesn't feel right, doesn't feel the same
With every thought, I search for thee
But you're always a fading memory

They tried giving pills to dull the pain
Tried to wipe the memories in my brain
I let them think I've gone insane
As they looked upon me with disdain

They'd need a medical breakthrough
To begin to detect my love for you
For, it races through my blood
Reminiscent of Noah's flood

Though I surf upon this flood of love
It's just not nearly good enough
I need a time-machine desperately
To relive the days you were next to me

Your caresses and tender touch
Everything about you I miss so much
And I'm not ashamed to say it's true
I'm completely lost without you



Once upon a time under a lazy moon
A poem was completed soon

The poem was about a heart
Which had been cut into two parts
One was dumb while the other smart
Bad and good could be seen from the start

You gave me many words to declare
This heart got so numb I couldn't bear
Say this
Say that
O, la la
Could you please not to swear?

I need  some peace
In your lullaby kiss

 I got none
 I'm gone

By balebila

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


You are my wonderdrug
I need an overdose
Inject me with every drop
I don't want an antidote

As the side effects take their toll
I need more to reach nirvana
I go spinning outta control
Am I in Tokyo or Havana?

I want my blood to race
As my heart beats fast
I wanna touch your face
This memory will last

Don't panic if i flatline
Keep giving dose after dose
I'll be doing just fine
As long as you're standing close

When I'm rigid in the mortuary
Don't weep for my soul
I'll see you in purgatory
Where I'll tell you about it all

My body may be dead
But I'm alive and kicking
Just lay down upon the bed
So i can feel your heart beating

Even death can't keep us apart
I'll be with you every day
Your wonderdrug is in my heart
So, don't cry... Smile away


Monday, August 13, 2018


You gave me so much joy and fun
You were my light upon the horizon
You filled me up with energy
You were my source of serenity

You were my light in the darkness
You were the cure for my loneliness
You chased my shadows away
You were my sparkle everyday

You overdosed me on delight
You taught me how to get up n fight
You were my only passion
You were my precious oxygen

You were my sunshine
You kept me feeling fine
You were my sunset
The only treasure I ever kept

Suddenly, you left me in an abyss
I felt I got hit by an eclipse
As if someone turned off the light
And my world was no longer bright

The shadows come back to taunt me
The memories slowly kill me
Who stole my light from the horizon?
How do I live when life's no fun?

You'll always be my twilight
You're the reason to live and fight
I may never see you again
But I will use the bitter pain

I'll learn to embrace the darkness
And forgive your wickedness
I'll become your secret shadow
So close to you, you'll never know

I'll fight off my bitter tears
I'll defeat my phantom fears
I'll right your cowardly wrong
I'll stand up and be strong

Coz you are my sunshine
You are my sunset
I'm yours and you're mine
You, my love, I'll never forget


Saturday, August 11, 2018


The bond between you and I
Is what makes me cry
People don't see the big deal
But the pain I feel is really real

Now you're gone, I'm all alone
Feeling hurt and badly torn
I miss you so much, nobody'll know
As time passes, i'll keep missin' you more

You'd follow me absolutely everywhere
You'd gently play with my hair
Sometimes you'd be naughty and bad
I'd hide your favourite toy, making you mad

You'd wake me up in the holidays
As I lay sleeping in a dreamy daze
You'd want to play on days I was lazy
You'd drive me bonkers and utterly crazy

When you left, half my soul left with you
Now I'm lost not knowing what to do
You were my dearest best friend
I was unprepared for this kinda end

In the eerie stillness of the air
I hear your voice everywhere
In my dreams, I see you too
Your silhouette teasing me to get you

Time will heal me gradually
And, though I'll never heal completely
I'll cling on to your memory
I'll keep missin' you for eternity


Friday, August 10, 2018


You tried to suffocate me
I struggled to breathe easy
I tried to stand independently
But you tried to replace gravity

You stole my freedom slowly
And you sapped my creativity
You stifled my inner energy
And you did it all with glee

I was a prisoner in my own paradise
Your moves caught me out by surprise
I thought you'd take me to new heights
But all you did was cause us to have fights

Couldn't you see I was old enough?
I was strong, confident and tough
Why did you burst my bubble?
I never caused you any trouble

You acted like the Godfather
And treated me like your daughter
You slowly sapped my life away
Until I was forced to run night n day

I was a prisoner in my own paradise
Your moves caught me out by surprise
I thought you'd take me to new heights
But all you did was cause us to have fights

You were meant to be my oxygen
But you ended up being my poison
Instead of getting nearer and close
You almost killed me by an overdose

I'm glad I finally found the courage
To leave and channel my outrage
I can spread my wings of serenity
And fly away to another reality


Thursday, August 9, 2018


Time will heal your scars
You don't have to run to Mars
Just be strong and stay alive
Sing out loud and learn to jive

Make new and happy memories
Go climb and swing from the trees
Inhale the fresh mountain air
Discover hidden gems everywhere

Don't continue living in the past
Time to raise the flag from half mast
Look to the future with optimism
Learn from the light and the prism

There's a riot of colour here n there
Dive into the unknown without a care
Let go of all your paralysing fears
The world doesn't need to see more tears

Unleash the stronger you upon the world
It's time to leave your shell, girl
Let your enemies see you standing strong
Time will soon right the bitter wrong


Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Slowly but sure the light is fading
Slowly but sure I see no more shadows of presenting

Everyone's gone
Im typing alone

To the wall of echoing room I get my words back
I guess it's the sign of farewell act

No more stars at night
No more sparkles in the light
No more smile, joke and fight

I hope that everything is allright.

By balebila

Monday, August 6, 2018


You're more majestic than the white tigers of Bengal
You're more stunning than the Taj Mahal

You're more colourful than the pink city of Jaipur
You're more sparkling than the Kohinoor

You're more marvelous than the Pyramids of Giza
You're more intriguing than the leaning tower of Pisa

You're more beautiful than the Great Barrier Reef
You're more enjoyable than Grisham's The Pelican Brief

You're more awesome than the Great Wall of China
You're more jaw-dropping than the ancient city of Petra

You're more captivating than the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
You're more striking than the Big Ben of London

You're easily more badass than mighty Sparta
You're more awe-inspiring than the civilization of Maya

Mom, you're way more precious than gold
Coz you're the most beautiful Wonder of this world! ❤



You're tougher than you think
I won't let you easily sink
You're in for a surprise
As troubled waters rise

Hold your head high
I promise you won't die
You will change completely
As you clear obstacles clearly

You'll overcome this battle
You won't be slaughtered like cattle
As you bravely persevere and fight
You'll be raised to a new height

So don't give in easily
Plod along jovially
Fun times are straight ahead
It's time to paint the town red

You gotta dig deep and fight
For things precious and right
You'll soon be in rivers of delight
As you see the tunnel has light



When the reaper suddenly calls
Even the bravest of men falls
You can't escape or resist
Or show him an angry fist

Your soul doesn't belong to you
And it won't matter if you know kung fu
Reaper is even immune to spells
And can't be chained up in prison cells

He can walk through a brick wall
Abd easily subdue you in a brawl
He has unearthly, magic abilities
Can move mountains and crush trees

Once your number is called
His duty cannot be stalled
You will leave this earthly abode
To meet with your creator, God

So be prepared for that fateful day
It won't hurt if you start to pray
For an easy ride to the afterlife
Free of hardships and strife


Friday, July 27, 2018


There was a lecturer from hell
Whose name was KL
She had a really big head
And from inside all dead

She loved to terrorize
All the girls and guys
She had red, fiery eyes
And an army of spies

Rumour has it that she
Was cursed for eternity
And took out her frustrations
On all of her students

Voodoo dolls of this evil cow
Are probably world-famous by now
If you see one near you
You should stick a pin in it, too

So, don't feel sorry for this wretch
She's definitely a mega bitch
Who loves to order and shout
Bullying students with clout


Friday, July 20, 2018


I've taken your hurt and channeled it inside me
The result is the words which you see

I know what happened was totally wrong
But for your sake, you must be strong

They say that time is a wonderful healer
So don't you dare approach a drug dealer

Just take things slow one day at a time
And before you know it, you'll be fine

Let karma worry about revenge and justice
It's most likely going to be a messy business

Learn to laugh and enjoy good company;
It's a must to stop you slipping into insanity!



I can't begin to explain
The nature of my pain
You left me for dead
You shoulda shot me instead

Can't get over this betrayal
I'm in constant denial
It feels like a dream gone bad
As I hang on to what we had

You tore my soul right out
You've killed me, no doubt
I'm like a spirit, lost and dead
With a heart made of lead

I'm gonna take a deeper dive
I'm totally tired of being alive
I pray that karma teaches you
Not to treat girls as you do



You made me weep incessantly
I cried so much, it cost me dearly

My salty tears of unimaginable hurt
Flooding the parched ground of dirt

My hopes and aspirations drowned
As i try to bury myself six feet in the ground

Now upon my every breath
I whisper the name of the angel of death

I have no desire to live happily
You crushed me so violently

I'm like a zombie from The Walking Dead
No memories remain in my head

I'm an empty shell of desolation and despair
Totally broken; no hope of a lasting repair

I feel life slowly slipping away from me
As I sink into a world of darkness for eternity



The wounds of deception and treachery
Killed off her soul completely

Darkness surrounded her perpetually
As she was confined to endless misery

Tears streaming down her face
As she mentally prepares for Outer Space

Her heart broken and savagely abused
Leaving her shell-shocked and bemused

Her trust has all but evaporated
Leaving her feeling shallow and deflated

She'll never ever love again
As she hides her tears in the rain

Love hurt her more than she knew
Now she'll forever refuse to say "I Do"



The winds of love sweep her off her feet
As she longingly awaits for the first meet

Her sparkling eyes dancing with joy
Eager to get one look at the special boy

Electric currents run down her spine
As she prays that everything goes fine

Her heart beats fast inside her chest
As the excitement doesn't let her rest

As the clock approaches half-past seven
She's already wandering about in heaven

Wearing a smile that's big and wide
As sparks of joy perpetually erupt inside


Sunday, May 13, 2018


I'm drowning in desire
With death at my door
I feel the heat from the fire
But I don't wanna go

A million things I gotta do
All swirling in my head
Missions to accomplish, yo
Before I'm cold and dead

I made the world my priority
Above everything I knew
Now I see clearly in sobriety
And know not what to do

I'm totally panic-stricken
Saturated with my sweat
With the world I was smitten
Adoring it crazily like my pet

Now my eyes are open wide
I see the wrong of my ways
I allow wisdom to pour inside
Seeking change in my last few days

"It's better late than never"
My mama used to say
I must change forever
And follow a better way


Saturday, May 12, 2018


Hey fella with a lonely heart
What kinda romance did you start?
She's a million miles from you
And comes from royalty, too

You dreamed a dream of romance
You lost yourself in a lover's trance
Just one glance is all it ever took
And now you can't erase that look

Your dreams are vivid and colourful
But, fella, you gotta be truthful
She's in a league of her own
Your pursuits will end in a groan

Erase those beautiful memories
Free your soul from the fantasies
Don't be a slave to your desire
Curb them and transcend higher

There's happiness elsewhere
I'm so certain, I solemnly swear
So release your soul from misery
For everlasting peace and serenity


Sunday, May 6, 2018


Part 1

The rain lashed down mercilessly on to the hard tarmac road. Such was the deluge, it seemed as if someone in heaven had pulled out the bath plug!

Dark and severely gloomy was the sky, foreboding evil and devilry. Occasional bouts of lightning sporadically lit up the night sky followed several seconds later by thunderous booming echoes which seemed to fill the whole of earth.

She drove at a steady speed along the desolate roads; no sign of another human for miles around. She didn't want to travel in such alarming weather but the phone call from the hospice was not good: her mother had developed multi-organ failure and had only a few hours to live.

The window wipers steadily cleared the rain from the windscreen but nothing could hide the steady stream of tears flowing down her cheeks.

Her solitary car light beam lit up an old road sign and she allowed herself a tiny smile for her mom's town was getting nearer.

Suddenly, the car lurched violently left and then right; the tyres screeched as she frantically pressed the brakes. The car spun helplessly crashing into the central reservation barrier and then careered unnaturally in a tail spin towards the grassy ditch.
A robust tree helped the car come to a stop but nit before suffering a few rolls and collisions. She lost consciousness for at least 5 minutes. The constant and annoying sound of the horn woke her up. She cursed loudly once she realized her predicament.
Red blood was seeping from a deep gash on her forehead and ran down her face. She cursed out loud again - uttering all kinds of obscenities - and only stopped due to sheer lethargy.

She scrambled for her handbag and pulled out her mobile phone. A third tirade of absolute filth poured forth from her mouth as she realized her mobile phone had no reception.
She punched the steering wheel with all the strength she could muster and then leaned on it with her forearms. She started crying bitterly as the hospice phone call replayed in her mind - it didn't take long for her dress to get saturated with salty tears.

She rested her head in her arms and resigned herself to her ill fate - knowing it would be several hours before daytime came and with it, the remote chance of a rescue.

Just as she closed her eyes and bitterly fought back the hot tears from erupting, there was a knock on the driver's door window!

Part 2

At first she thought she had imagined it, but her doubts were quickly dissipated as the knocking on the window started again.

She wiped the condensation off the window and stared out to find a hunched figure of a bespectacled man donned in a yellow raincoat and clutching an umbrella and torch.

She rolled down her window and his soothing voice was an instant tonic to her injured body and soul. He helped her out of the mangled wreckage and shielded her from the unrelenting rain using the umbrella. He had a nice, warm face she thought to herself as he guided her to his house.

Every step was painful for her but using the nice gentleman as her human crutch, she managed to hobble through the searing pain. They reached a two-storey house and despite the darkness, she could tell it belonged to an affluent family.

The garden was immaculate and there were a myriad of plants and flowers which danced wildly in the rainy storm.

Once inside the house, the nice man pointed out the bathroom and brought dry clothing and told her to refresh herself. However, the eerie silence of the house gave her goosebumps.

The bathroom was neat and clean with all the amenities a normal family would require. She hurriedly undressed out of her soaking wet clothes and literally jumped in the shower.

The hot water did for an instant wipe away all of her pain, anxieties and fears. About 6 minutes into her shower, she suddenly became restless.

All of the nervous energy and emotions coursed through her veins and she became dizzy and nauseous and almost drifted off into a dark world devoid of light and sound. Her heart began racing incredibly quickly and it seemed like it was going to jump out of her chest any second now.

She instinctively clutched and wrapped the shower curtain around her body. All she could repeatedly utter to herself in a barely audible whisper was "holy fuck" in a horrified, scared tone.

Though she had no concrete proof, she felt a very intense conviction that someone or something had been staring at her...from the very moment she had entered the bathroom!


Dear douchebags and vagabonds
And miscreants and delinquents
And all those who made me weep
Often making me cry to sleep

I want to say loud and clear
To those far away or very near
I forgive you from the heart so
Killing with kindness is the way to go



My soul was in a deep dark abyss
Ever since I stole a forbidden kiss
My dreams are dark and cold
I was the foolish one chasing gold

I thought of castles in the air
And picnics in my secret lair
I spent my days flying in the air
Out of my senses, completely unaware

Lost in a haze of fairytales and love
But always feeling it was not enough
Or perhaps I was caught in lust
My judgment I don't quite trust

But since falling hard from the sky
I don't feel guilty for having a try
For life is full of wonderful experiences
Like when you steal a forbidden kiss



You're fighting demons left, right n centre
As they breach your mind and enter
They whisper torrid, toxic things
Whilst preying on the weak beings

Invisible beings full of evil and mischief
They unrelentingly cause chaos and grief
They miuse their talent and power
Causing human angst hour after hour

They're consumed by flames of evil
Answering to the call of the chief devil
Whether you call him Satan or Lucifer
Your soul is what he wants to conquer

But you're very powerful too
You can pray a verse or two
And watch how the demons run
Like darkness is chased by the sun

With the power of God on your side
Through life's tests you shall glide
Be they demons or voices within
With God on your side, you'll always win!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018


I hear you say maybe
But did you know baby
The smile is not fake
And it was no mistake

It came from the heart
For a person really smart
Whose talent has shone
And whose legacy will live on

It was a smile of glee
And will last eternally
Like a rapturous spark
Penetrating the dark

You can be like The BFG
Collecting smiles happily
So capture every smile
Look after them for a while

For a day might come
When I'm long gone
But my smiles will be
Your only treasured memory



Dahan Pinus yang melukis langit senja
Cahaya matahari yang mulai bersembunyi
Siluet rindu dari sinar mata
Entah kamu, sepi, atau sunyi

Makna gemilang hanya untuk pulang
Garis yang berlari meniti hijau putih
Tanah tempat terkuburnya tulang
Cerita kerajaan, raja-raja, dan patih

Siar seutas bunyi pengharapan
Pada menara yang menjulang tinggi
Bola-bola duka, suka, dan kenyataan
Saat malam bergantian dengan pagi

Pada jalan panjang yang berbelok-belok
Kuceritakan awan dan warna jingga
Pada rentang impian yang berkelok-kelok
Kutanamkan keyakinan dan cinta

Sigli, 1 Mei 2018
Oleh: Annisa


Ada sebuah senyum indah
Merekah merah berbahagia
Memanggil nama
Langit cerah bercahaya

Ada sebuah kisah wajah
Hilir mudiknya nirmala
pada kasih dan rasa
Penantian dan asa

Ada sebuah kubah
Peraduan impian frasa
Air, angin, dan tanah
Berwisata ke adanya

Ada keluh kesah
Tentang cinta
Misalnya waktu menyapa
Bagaimanakah ia?

Banda Aceh, 1 Mei 2018
Oleh: Annisa

Thursday, April 26, 2018


On a piece of  paper
There are lines and circles of you and me 

Then,  as I look deeper
Those smiles come flashing the air with great extacy

What will you do after that uniform does not longer wrap your body, your mind, and your soul?

I recognize those happy faces
Used to be innocent buds seeking out true traces
Some found obstacles
Some found miracles
Cest la vie , dear angels

What will you do after you're no longer sitting here with me?
Will the leaves whisper the same rhythm?

Whatever you do
God always be with you

By balebila

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Taklukkan aku!
Patahkan persendianku!
Bekukan aku hingga tak bersuhu!
Aku rebah ditebas rindu yang menderu.

Pun, aku latah menguntai apa-apa.
Gila meredam gelora asa yang membara.
Getir membakar potret kenangan refleksi masa.

Tendang aku dari masa lalu yang terus membabat.
Selamatkan aku dari kemelut yang terus menyayat.
Lelah aku, meretas ulang sulaman luka yang sentiasa mengabdi.
Putus asa, bak mencari daun kering yang berguguran di musim semi yang dijamuri _lili_.

Tarik aku dari penjara masa.
Bebaskan aku dari jeruji derita.
Tuntun aku menjinakkan rimba aksara.
Yang terus menggerogot _bola ajaib_ tanpa suara.

Waktu ialah aku.

By sopi nurisa

Sunday, April 22, 2018


She cries to herself at night
Though you'd never know it.
It hurts but she's up for a fight
Her pain - she'll never show it.

As crystal tears run down her face
She has an iron will to bear it.
Embroiled in a desperate race
She can accurately describe it.

She can withstand a lot of pain
She's an unsung, unknown hero.
Despite the screams in her brain
Her pain threshold we won't know.

Her inner strength is unequaled
But her I must commemorate.
Her will to survive unrivaled
She's undoubtedly really great.



Pretty in pink with the gorgeous smile
Haven't seen you in a while
I really don't know what to do
To escape from this love voodoo

It was your eyes that cast a spell
Lifted me right out of hell
Sent me soaring hypnotized
Left me utterly mesmerized

Stronger than a patronus charm
Your spell protected me from harm
I felt safe from the tormentors
Be they witches or dementors

Now I feel the spell is weak
That's the end of my lucky streak
As I sink back into my lair
Your voodoo has left me in despair



Don't be drowned in sadness
That'd be akin to madness
See the rays of light
Know the future is bright

All those sleepless nights
Burdening yourself with frights
Won't give you peace and solace
But more wrinkles on
your face

Learn to forgive and let go
It's ok to go with the flow
You can't control every eventuality
So quit fretting and exist naturally

Good times are around the bend
So allow your anxieties to end
Let your smile light your face
And extend out to outer space


Thursday, April 19, 2018


I got this feeling deep inside
Which I try really hard to hide
For courage has deserted me
I'll keep this secret for eternity

I'll smile like crazy
Be in a world of ecstacy
Remembering you alone
Staring at your picture on my phone

A thousand sweet melodies
Are my medicinal remedies
All sung in praise of thee
To preserve your memory

Laughing at your craziness
For it fills my emptiness
But, alas, you won't ever know
How much I love you so


Wednesday, April 18, 2018


I tell my unruly heart
I must let them go
Though it'd tear me apart
It's only right, I know

I won't cry tears of hurt
I'll reflect on good advice
Try to scrub off the dirt
And join the company of the wise

I must get to eternal heaven
By killing my desire
It's been a dream since I was seven
To save myself from the fire

Passing through the baptism of fire
Forging myself in the furnace of love
Submitting to my Master's desire
Knowing he loves me is enough



Aku bertarung melawan rasa
Agar suka tak terungkap
Aku berperang melawan asa
Berharap bibir tak terucap

Berdiri di balik jarak nan jauh
Berbisik pada hati yang rapuh
Tekadang sempat aku mengeluh
Tapi ah, aku tak punya sepuluh

Ku urung rasa yang membara
Berusaha menjaga fitrah
Kekaguman yang ada
Karena lantunan Qur'anmu nan indah

Sekali lagi, aku pilih diam
Memang, aku lebih baik bungkam
Sampai waktu kan menentu
Apakah kamu benar pilihan Rabbku

By: Rica MH


Aku bertarung melawan rasa
Agar suka tak terungkap
Aku berperang melawan asa
Berharap bibir tak terucap

Berdiri di balik jarak nan jauh
Berbisik pada hati yang rapuh
Tekadang sempat aku mengeluh
Tapi ah, aku tak punya sepuluh

Ku urung rasa yang membara
Berusaha menjaga fitrah
Kekaguman yang ada
Karena lantunan Qur'anmu nan indah

Sekali lagi, aku pilih diam
Memang, aku lebih baik bungkam
Sampai waktu kan menentu
Apakah kamu benar pilihan Rabbku

By: Rica MH


Suatu hari..
Aku melangkah tanpa arah
Aku terus melangkah, karena aku memang tidak tau arah
Sampai kutemukan sebuah gubuk yang tua namun indah

Ku dapati dua hal berbeda di sana..
Hujan dan senja..
Aku terbungkam seribu  bahasa
Mengagumi kebesaranNya..

Dia berbagi cinta,
Dan menumbuhkan tanaman.
Sungguh, itu Rahmat dari sang Maha Cinta.
Walaupun dia di rundung kegalauan.

Dan senja,
Mengajarkan ku untuk selalu ikhlas menerima takdir Nya,
Meskipun sebagian orang membenci kehadirannya..

Ya, hujan dan senja.
Dua hal yang berbeda namun sama, sama² indah di pandang mata.

Hujan dan senja.
Aku cinta keduanya..

By: Lina

Monday, April 16, 2018


I stole her lipstick and handbag
And her sequin dress
I know what you're thinking
But hey, don't stress

I borrowed her eyeliner
And some Chanel no. 5
Stole her best diamonds
Oh God, I feel so alive!

I glide in my sexy heels
As the wind blows through my hair
Guys stare open-mouthed
As I drag them to my sexy lair

I suffocate them with romance
Stealing their sleep at night
I teach them how to dance
But oh boy, they're in for a fright!



Ku rindu sang pecandu senja,
Yang berbesar hati mencinta
Yang tak pernah lelah tersenyum, walau hati berduka
Yang kadang terjatuh, namun dia bangkit untuk orang yang dia cinta.

Ku rindu sang pecandu senja,
Yang datang, dan tidak pernah pergi
Yang selalu menyemangati..

Dia layaknya hujan,
Yang sebagian orang mengira bahwa dia adalah bencana,
Namun tidak!
Dia lah karunia dari Nya..

Dia seperti hujan,
Yang menghapus tangisan dan menggantinya dengan senyuman.

Ku curi namanya tuk ku sebut dalam do'a,
Karena raga tidak sanggup menyapa.

Ku rindu sang pecandu senja,
Seperti aku merindukan sang hujan..

Jangan tanya siapa dia,
Karena kau lah orangnya..

By: Lina

Sunday, April 8, 2018


I know you're unhappy
Full of raw emotion
Maybe you're angry
Deep in commotion

You must be hurting
The wounds must be deep
I hear you crying
Whilst you pretend to sleep

Your fake smile
Fools everyone
You try hiding the turmoil
Pretending to have fun

But deep down inside
I know what you're feeling
Trying to hide
As all is collapsing

But you gotta fight
To the bitter end
Giving up ain't right
Listen to your heart, friend

You must be strong
Stand up tall
Right all the wrong
You can't ever fall

You have the strength
Of a thousand warriors
Dispel the torment
Bury the failures

You have an army
We're all behind you
I'll always love thee
No matter what you do


Tuesday, April 3, 2018


I stand in the roaring breeze
Embracing the arctic freeze
Like a dervish I'm twirling
As snowflakes are falling

Surrounded by a blanket of white
So pure it fills your heart with delight
I'm lost in the soft fluffiness
I'm in love with the snow I confess

I'm gonna build my own terracotta army
From snow and ice that's shiny and sparkly
I'll also have snowball fights
Till momma turns off the lights

My only wish is for you to be here
I want my snow queen to be near
She's prettier than a million snowflakes
Every time I see her my soul quakes



I have a friend in Indonesia.
She’ll do anything to try to please ya.

She’s got a cutie face and chubby cheeks,
And a little Indo accent when she speaks.

She likes furry kitties and birds too.
And her favorite color is not purple but blue.

She plays guitar and sings like  a goddess,
And I’m telling you this because she’s too modest.

She teaches, works out, swims, and dances.
And hot guys always give her glances.

She’s been my friend for many years,
And I’ve never had a friend so dear.

Can you guess who this poem is for?
I’ll only give you one hint more.

She’s an Aries with a birthday April 4th.
And her name is Balebila...of course!!

By Gene


A thousand melodies in my head
Won't let me rest on my bed
I'm drowning in the orchestra of love
The music won't be enough

I won't survive without your kiss
I gotta experience heavenly bliss
Before I drown in this deluge of love
I long for your tender touch

Wave upon wave crash over me
The current pulls me to misery
Once again I slowly drown
But destiny can't make me frown

I have so many awesome memories
Outnumbering the leaves on trees
And though the current of love separates us
It can't ever drag away the memories



Oh seeker of rare earthly beauty
Free thyself from choking anxiety
Don't lose hope in the almighty
He'll send her when you're ready

I sense you're buzzing like a bee
Drowning in luxurious honey
You wanna taste of the elixir of love
But just one lick can never be enough

You gotta wait for eternity
To get one glimpse of me
For I'm not from this earthly realm
I'm from the fiery depths of hell


Wednesday, March 28, 2018


I opened my mouth to sing thee a song
But I got the tune all wrong
The gravity of the situation
Made me choke with emotion

Silent tears flowed like a stream
My insides aching to scream
The pain was real as can be
As I sat down sullenly

I sang loudly instead
In the emptiness of my head
Just look into my eyes
And the lyrics will materialize

Move your lips and sing with me
A moment to cherish for eternity
Our love still triumphantly lingers
As we exchange musical whispers



The raindrops hit my skin
Setting me on fire from within
Remembering the memories
When you were the queen of my fantasies

I'm guilty of a secret smile
That's visible from a mile
The water droplets gently caress
The places you'd endlessly kiss

I let the tears fall freely
As they're attracted by gravity
Coz nobody can see my pain
Whenever I cry in the rain

A sudden calmness comes over me
The rain has washed away the misery
I look up at the heavens and grin
I'm born again without sin

Electricity flows from my  head to toe
I'm indifferent to friend and foe
The rain has cleansed me of the hate
I finally feel alive and great


Sunday, March 25, 2018


If the sun has no longer intention to warm up young leaves that wave gently welcoming day of new..

Then why are the birds still singing and hoping they would find happiness from every single drop of morning dew

There's a miracle
Hidden beneath the farthest path along down to the nearest step

And I'm counting myself
That I'll be right there to kneel before you and kiss you and breathe you

Coz I have faith

I believe the sun still shines
And heals the scars

I believe you're still mine
No matter how far you are

By balebila


Life is full of stanzas
From birth to death
Everything's recorded
From the first to the last breath

Some stanzas are full of colour
Romance and escapdes
Mystery and adventure
And happiness tailor-made

Other stanzas are dark
Scary and full of screams
Unending nightmares
And bleak dreams

A few stanzas will test you
Maybe make you cry
Leaving you dazed and confused
No matter how much you try

Many stanzas will be magical
Taking your breath away
Speeding your heart beat
Making your soul sway

But together, all these stanzas
Make you what you are
From the first one to the last
They all combine to make you a superstar


Wednesday, March 21, 2018


The world spun around me
Like a raging tornado
I saw everything moving
In super slo-mo

I felt the rhythm of life
Coursing through me
I heard a thousand melodies
Calling me in ecstasy

The light of a billion stars
Dazzled my vision
As I stared at your portrait
In my dimly lit kitchen

Wanting just one chance
To embrace you tightly
And listen to the whispers
Your heart sends out quietly


Sunday, March 11, 2018


I'm falling down a deep abyss
Can't be saved by your tender kiss
Drowning in waves of death
Can't be saved by your breath

I'm fighting imaginary foes
Don't wanna add to your woes
Embracing the warmth of hell
Ignoring your passionate yell

The venom is now a part of me
Consuming me fully eventually
Disappearing forever without a trace
Till even I forget my own face


Saturday, February 17, 2018


Last night I sat,
With my luxurious fat cat,
And watched the sunset settle.

The sunset sat and sunk,
And sizzled and shrunk,
Into that blue ocean’s kettle.

The sun was so hot,
And I thought a lot,
About your lips so red and supple.

When the light turned to evening,
And your heavy breathing,
When the cat and you and I cuddled.

Then the cat meowed “WOW”,
When he realized how,
We were like that steamy sunset.

One of us light and one of us water,
Sinking into each other,
As our lusty, dusky lips met.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Love is not  shaken by hands
Love is not hidden between  fingers
Love is not celebrated on February 14
Love is not like what you've seen

I love you from Sunday to Saturday

Love is not blended in the chocolate
Love is not mixed in the sweets
Love is not just laid on bed
Love is not like what people have said

I love you from Sunday to Saturday

Love is heart
Love is care
Love is life
Love is love
Love never ends

I love you from Sunday to Saturday

By Balebila


Kita pernah berada di dahan yang sama,
Mengagumi helai daun yang sama,
Kini kita kembali kesana,
Bertengger pada tangkai daun yang ditiup angin,
Pada sayap-sayap kita,
Kita percaya dan terbang tinggi,
Dari kejauhan tampak pohon itu berdiri tegak,
Pucuk yang meliuk-liuk,
Menyampaikan pesan untuk merindu,
Beristirahat dan bersiul indah,
Masih dengan kecoklatan dan kehijauan yang sama,
Tetapi dengan pelangi di langit yang berbeda,
Peraduan yang meneduhkan mata.

Banda Aceh, 10 Februari 2018



There's no way I can erase all
The description of the nature
A minute determines a smile
The pieces of the sweetest places
I nurture my feeling gradually
The lovely chaser is gone
I hope I knew what it was
Pages of note that stops my steps
Hides my eyes away
At the ground, I've got the silver lock and key
The wind hits my feet
I'm running
Coz I'm catching,
Poems dragged me to witness
A room with no wall

Banda Aceh, Feb 9th 2018

By: Annisa


Aku lupa, aku pernah mencumbui senja pekat itu bersamamu.
Meneguk setiap tetes bualan yang ia hadirkan kala itu.
Jika bisa  disebut nikmat, aku akan memanggilnya begitu.
Namun sayang, senja waktu itu tak indah sama sekali untuk di adu.
Percayalah! Aku masih mendekor dengan sempurna momen senja itu.
Menghiasi setiap dindingnya dengan renda-renda mengkilat yang menderu.

Memasang neon-neon yang sebenarnya sama sekali tak pernah menyala.
Toh, walau begitu senja kala itu memang tak pernah mengakui keberadaanya.
Apa lagi? Apa lagi yang perlu kau tau tentang senja yang kita tinggalkan di sana?
Apa lagi yang kau harapkan? Pekatnya benar-benar lekat, serat akan noda-noda.

Sejenak, ku garap sepasang bola mataku untuk menelisiknya sekali lagi.
Benar-benar sunyi, tak ada tanda-tanda pernah ada kehidupan sama sekali.
Ku susuri ulang setiap incinya di sumur usang yang pernah ku gali.
Culas, aku hanya mendapati seonggok manusia yang di pantulkan air di permukaannya, bayangku sendiri.

Tampak konyol, sampai-sampai aku tak pernah menyadari.
Senja pekat itu ciptaanku sendiri, kebodohan masa lalu yang terulangi.
Kenyataan itu menohokku telak, aku tak patut di kasihani.
Menyakitkan memang, tapi nyatanya aku masih mampu bangkit untuk berdiri.

Bukan, senja pekat itu sama sekali bukan ilusi, tidak sama sekali.
Aku tak pernah bisa memintanya pergi, angkat kaki ataupun undur diri.
Aku memilih berdamai dan menyalami kalutnya hati.
Aku belum lagi mati, masih kuat untuk berlari.


Friday, February 9, 2018


I'll be sexcessive instead
As we wrestle in your bed
I'll make you moan and scream
Letting you know it ain't a dream

I'll suffocate your lips
As my hands caress your hips
My fingers in your silky hair
My tongue touching you everywhere

I won't stop lovin'
Until you're in heaven
Leaving my precioussss
Excited and breathless

Hugging you tight
In ecstatic delight
Breathlessly whisperin'
"Let's do it all again..."



I disappear, dear.
I don't want to, but I have a fear.
I am scared to be here.
Impossible to hold on this tear.

We knew that we're lost.
Our path will never cross.
I can't lock my diamond in yours.
Am I sad?Oh c'mon, of course.

What did you expect me to do?
I never ask for more than my due.
Nobody will do all the things I did for you.
No one will kiss you like I do.

You lied, you told me that you could forget me without stress.
But I can feel the pain right in your eyes.
I needa feel your best embrace.
But I'da told you, to be honest.

I'mma leave you.
I betcha get all the new.
You still love me, that's what I knew.
But I gotta leave you.

By Sopi Nurisa


Coba tebak!

Aku sedang merindu?Tidak, begitulah harusnya.
Tidak. Aku tidak sedang merindu, sekalipun itu jingga maupun senja.
Aku hanya memaksa sebatang pena untuk tetap terjaga.

Menulis kisahku?Oh bukan, ayolah, itu terdengar lucu sekali.
Percayalah!Aku hanya memaksa sebatang pena untuk menari.

Menyaksikan pena itu menyapu kertas putih bersih bergaris-garis.
Bukan untuk membersihkan, justru mengotori kertas itu dengan tintanya, bukan menulis.

Hanya menarik garis dari titik satu ke titik lainnya.
Aku tak mampu mengendalikan pena gila yang bersenjatakan tinta.
Dia mengambil alih kendali atas jari-jariku yang tak berdaya.
Memaksa sang jari untuk memeluknya erat, dan berdansa sampai membentuk dua patah kata.

Ah, kejam sekali!
Pena itu mengejek ketidakberdayaanku.
Menerjang habis ego dan kebohonganku.

Baiklah, benar. Aku sedang merindu.
Arrrgh..Aku kalah, iya aku tak menulis di kertas itu.
Aku hanya mengukir namamu lewat pena gila itu.
Tak lebih tak kurang, menarik, begitu pikirku.

Alfabet-alfabet kesukaanku menjajal setiap sudut kertas bersih tadi.
Ya. Namamu, harusnya kusembunyikan saja dalam kubangan sunyi.
Tak tau diri!
Makiku pada diri sendiri.

By Sopi Nurisa


I never knew I'd find a sister, for we were just strangers

I never knew I'd have a relationship,with someone who wasn't in my companionship

I never knew that the day I saw you, would be one of the best days in life, and it's no lie..

I never knew we'd belong to something as we call *Sisterhood*..

Dearest sister of mine..
Please know your value
When I'm feeling blue,
Your shoulder is there like a tissue
To wipe away all the blues..

And when I'm feeling down, you're whom I can count on
You're always there until it's gone

Oh, sister of mine
Keep this in mind
I thank you for coming into my life
And making it more meaningful..

Oh, sister of mine,
I adore you
I look up to you
Thank you..

By: Lina 💕💕

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Hey mysterious lover
You don't know your worth
Oh how my heart aches
Everytime I step onto your turf

You give me sleepless nights
With endless screams
Insomnia, beautiful nightmarezzz
And lovely dreamz

Every moment of longing
Seems like a million years
All the sweet memories
Fill my eyes up with tears

My every breath is for you
My heart pines for your touch
I never in my lifetime
Thought I'd miss you this much!



What if I'm the devil that stalks your dreams? What if I'm the one responsible for your screams? What if I'm the brute causing y...