Wednesday, September 27, 2017


The Rudeness Gang

The Rudeness Gang rode in to town,
The town was Polite City.
This was the rudest gang around,
So readers, please have pity.

Shopping ladies were imbued
With a hail of quite foul curses.
This attack was so crude,
The women surrendered their purses.

They robbed the bank with naughty words
Like "poopy" "pee" and "dammit".
Then tellers were forced to endure,
An uncouth scene from "Hamlet".

Then arrived the Sheriff,
Armed with a book of Etiquette .
But these Belchers did not care if,
He showed it, worshipped, or read it.

"By the Ghost of Emily Post,
Politeness will endure in this town!!"
But the leader was no host to his boast,
And he belched the Sheriff down!!

Belches blew down the General Store door,
And certainly not shyly.
Belchers dropped their pants to assure,
They were certainly not tidy.

How many farts were blown that day,
How many noses violated?
How much wealth stolen away,
Could not be estimated.

The Rudeness Gang rode away at night,
With booty bags, and wages.
Proving that this phrase is right:
"Rudeness can be advantageous."

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