Saturday, October 7, 2023


"Get Lost!" she vehemently cried

But the heavens said "access denied!"

A small victory and sure reprieve

To sit down and gently breathe

What torment and tragic tragedy

Had caused this bitter infamy

That left a stain upon my heart

And madly tore the heavens apart

An ancient curse from a dark abyss

Whispered in delight to bring bliss

And unleash devils upon the land

To stamp their evil with a fiery brand

As storms and tempests surely rage

The good folk must unite and engage

To battle the unspoken devilry

And win with pride and chivalry

Defeat now will spell a disaster

So, toil harder and train harder

To avoid defeat when darkness comes

So that ye may vanquish those bums

Words do indeed have potency

So utter with care and transparency

Wrong ones said out of angst and hate

Might permanently damage and berate

And some utterances are so potent

You can't take it back even if you repent

Mama said "think before you speak"

Or unprecedented havoc you'll wreak

If indeed words you must spout

And spread them all about

Make them good ones full of care

So they'll linger nicely in the air



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