Sunday, May 13, 2018


I'm drowning in desire
With death at my door
I feel the heat from the fire
But I don't wanna go

A million things I gotta do
All swirling in my head
Missions to accomplish, yo
Before I'm cold and dead

I made the world my priority
Above everything I knew
Now I see clearly in sobriety
And know not what to do

I'm totally panic-stricken
Saturated with my sweat
With the world I was smitten
Adoring it crazily like my pet

Now my eyes are open wide
I see the wrong of my ways
I allow wisdom to pour inside
Seeking change in my last few days

"It's better late than never"
My mama used to say
I must change forever
And follow a better way


Saturday, May 12, 2018


Hey fella with a lonely heart
What kinda romance did you start?
She's a million miles from you
And comes from royalty, too

You dreamed a dream of romance
You lost yourself in a lover's trance
Just one glance is all it ever took
And now you can't erase that look

Your dreams are vivid and colourful
But, fella, you gotta be truthful
She's in a league of her own
Your pursuits will end in a groan

Erase those beautiful memories
Free your soul from the fantasies
Don't be a slave to your desire
Curb them and transcend higher

There's happiness elsewhere
I'm so certain, I solemnly swear
So release your soul from misery
For everlasting peace and serenity


Sunday, May 6, 2018


Part 1

The rain lashed down mercilessly on to the hard tarmac road. Such was the deluge, it seemed as if someone in heaven had pulled out the bath plug!

Dark and severely gloomy was the sky, foreboding evil and devilry. Occasional bouts of lightning sporadically lit up the night sky followed several seconds later by thunderous booming echoes which seemed to fill the whole of earth.

She drove at a steady speed along the desolate roads; no sign of another human for miles around. She didn't want to travel in such alarming weather but the phone call from the hospice was not good: her mother had developed multi-organ failure and had only a few hours to live.

The window wipers steadily cleared the rain from the windscreen but nothing could hide the steady stream of tears flowing down her cheeks.

Her solitary car light beam lit up an old road sign and she allowed herself a tiny smile for her mom's town was getting nearer.

Suddenly, the car lurched violently left and then right; the tyres screeched as she frantically pressed the brakes. The car spun helplessly crashing into the central reservation barrier and then careered unnaturally in a tail spin towards the grassy ditch.
A robust tree helped the car come to a stop but nit before suffering a few rolls and collisions. She lost consciousness for at least 5 minutes. The constant and annoying sound of the horn woke her up. She cursed loudly once she realized her predicament.
Red blood was seeping from a deep gash on her forehead and ran down her face. She cursed out loud again - uttering all kinds of obscenities - and only stopped due to sheer lethargy.

She scrambled for her handbag and pulled out her mobile phone. A third tirade of absolute filth poured forth from her mouth as she realized her mobile phone had no reception.
She punched the steering wheel with all the strength she could muster and then leaned on it with her forearms. She started crying bitterly as the hospice phone call replayed in her mind - it didn't take long for her dress to get saturated with salty tears.

She rested her head in her arms and resigned herself to her ill fate - knowing it would be several hours before daytime came and with it, the remote chance of a rescue.

Just as she closed her eyes and bitterly fought back the hot tears from erupting, there was a knock on the driver's door window!

Part 2

At first she thought she had imagined it, but her doubts were quickly dissipated as the knocking on the window started again.

She wiped the condensation off the window and stared out to find a hunched figure of a bespectacled man donned in a yellow raincoat and clutching an umbrella and torch.

She rolled down her window and his soothing voice was an instant tonic to her injured body and soul. He helped her out of the mangled wreckage and shielded her from the unrelenting rain using the umbrella. He had a nice, warm face she thought to herself as he guided her to his house.

Every step was painful for her but using the nice gentleman as her human crutch, she managed to hobble through the searing pain. They reached a two-storey house and despite the darkness, she could tell it belonged to an affluent family.

The garden was immaculate and there were a myriad of plants and flowers which danced wildly in the rainy storm.

Once inside the house, the nice man pointed out the bathroom and brought dry clothing and told her to refresh herself. However, the eerie silence of the house gave her goosebumps.

The bathroom was neat and clean with all the amenities a normal family would require. She hurriedly undressed out of her soaking wet clothes and literally jumped in the shower.

The hot water did for an instant wipe away all of her pain, anxieties and fears. About 6 minutes into her shower, she suddenly became restless.

All of the nervous energy and emotions coursed through her veins and she became dizzy and nauseous and almost drifted off into a dark world devoid of light and sound. Her heart began racing incredibly quickly and it seemed like it was going to jump out of her chest any second now.

She instinctively clutched and wrapped the shower curtain around her body. All she could repeatedly utter to herself in a barely audible whisper was "holy fuck" in a horrified, scared tone.

Though she had no concrete proof, she felt a very intense conviction that someone or something had been staring at her...from the very moment she had entered the bathroom!


Dear douchebags and vagabonds
And miscreants and delinquents
And all those who made me weep
Often making me cry to sleep

I want to say loud and clear
To those far away or very near
I forgive you from the heart so
Killing with kindness is the way to go



My soul was in a deep dark abyss
Ever since I stole a forbidden kiss
My dreams are dark and cold
I was the foolish one chasing gold

I thought of castles in the air
And picnics in my secret lair
I spent my days flying in the air
Out of my senses, completely unaware

Lost in a haze of fairytales and love
But always feeling it was not enough
Or perhaps I was caught in lust
My judgment I don't quite trust

But since falling hard from the sky
I don't feel guilty for having a try
For life is full of wonderful experiences
Like when you steal a forbidden kiss



You're fighting demons left, right n centre
As they breach your mind and enter
They whisper torrid, toxic things
Whilst preying on the weak beings

Invisible beings full of evil and mischief
They unrelentingly cause chaos and grief
They miuse their talent and power
Causing human angst hour after hour

They're consumed by flames of evil
Answering to the call of the chief devil
Whether you call him Satan or Lucifer
Your soul is what he wants to conquer

But you're very powerful too
You can pray a verse or two
And watch how the demons run
Like darkness is chased by the sun

With the power of God on your side
Through life's tests you shall glide
Be they demons or voices within
With God on your side, you'll always win!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018


I hear you say maybe
But did you know baby
The smile is not fake
And it was no mistake

It came from the heart
For a person really smart
Whose talent has shone
And whose legacy will live on

It was a smile of glee
And will last eternally
Like a rapturous spark
Penetrating the dark

You can be like The BFG
Collecting smiles happily
So capture every smile
Look after them for a while

For a day might come
When I'm long gone
But my smiles will be
Your only treasured memory



Dahan Pinus yang melukis langit senja
Cahaya matahari yang mulai bersembunyi
Siluet rindu dari sinar mata
Entah kamu, sepi, atau sunyi

Makna gemilang hanya untuk pulang
Garis yang berlari meniti hijau putih
Tanah tempat terkuburnya tulang
Cerita kerajaan, raja-raja, dan patih

Siar seutas bunyi pengharapan
Pada menara yang menjulang tinggi
Bola-bola duka, suka, dan kenyataan
Saat malam bergantian dengan pagi

Pada jalan panjang yang berbelok-belok
Kuceritakan awan dan warna jingga
Pada rentang impian yang berkelok-kelok
Kutanamkan keyakinan dan cinta

Sigli, 1 Mei 2018
Oleh: Annisa


Ada sebuah senyum indah
Merekah merah berbahagia
Memanggil nama
Langit cerah bercahaya

Ada sebuah kisah wajah
Hilir mudiknya nirmala
pada kasih dan rasa
Penantian dan asa

Ada sebuah kubah
Peraduan impian frasa
Air, angin, dan tanah
Berwisata ke adanya

Ada keluh kesah
Tentang cinta
Misalnya waktu menyapa
Bagaimanakah ia?

Banda Aceh, 1 Mei 2018
Oleh: Annisa


As the cauldron bubbled on the angry fire And spells were cast - dark and dire Her cackles echoed in the neighborhood She was definit...